hosted by Sean Michael Frazier
“The Journey” focuses on the struggles included in the journey of making one’s dream a reality. Aired as a documentary series, this emotion–laden show will be viewed online and via cable television on The Onyx Television Network, a multicultural entertainment medium. The initial five episodes will be used to establish the precedent for the upcoming season and will depict the lives of published and distributed models, artists, actors, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists.
The premise of the episodes is to illustrate the casts’ struggles as they pursue their dreams. Guided by the show’s host, Sean Michael Frazier, cast members will play a critical role in coordinating, producing, and motivating each highlighted subject. One of the chief objectives of “The Journey” is for the audience to see the pain hidden by the beauty. It is believed that the tenacity, passion, and dedication found in each subject will serve as motivational tools for others to pursue their own dreams. “The Journey” is sure to grab at the heartstrings of viewers as Host Sean Michael Frazier follows and documents the lives of each “dream chaser”. Be a part of the movement and a source of support by following people as they embark on the journey of chasing their dreams with infinite rigor.